Summer Moment of Zen 2024

Today I celebrated this year’s moment of summer Zen!

This year I was able to take advantage of a supermoon with the moon just a mere 367,372 km way that provoked a 3.5 meter tide differential!

And I was even lucky to have a sunny day, something that is not a guarantee here in northern Spain!

This year I decided to try and get a sunset in the timelapse as well so I positioned myself on the eastern shore of the Eo river estuary:

I started at 17:36 and wrapped it up at 22:38 for at total of:

The differential photos I have this year are not quite real as when I left it was dark so I could not get a good final pic, but here is one from about 20:30 with the tide at about 1/2 way down:

This year the 5 hours really flew by. I spent quite a bit of time just watching the cormorants fly around the estuary, reading Pedro León’s amazing book about the Voyager Program, doing a trash pickup, and also was able to take in the supermoon rise:

Implementation details

  • Camera: GoPro HERO3+ Black Edition
  • Frequency: picture every 30 seconds
  • Number of pictures taken: 588
  • Photo Resolution: 7 MP
  • List generation: ls *.JPG >list.txt
  • Video creation: mencoder -idx -nosound -ovc lavc -lavcopts vcodec=mjpeg -o timelapse01-attempt09.avi -mf fps=20 mf://@list.txt

Thanks for reading and feel free to give feedback or comments via email (