Move over WiFi Range Extender, Jupiterstation now is equiped with a Mesh

After lots of complaining from the youngest member of the family and failed attempts at improving things via WiFi extenders, this week I bought a Wireless mesh system from Mercusys system after a coworker sang its praises.
I did not even shop around for other brands or wish wash just searched Amazon and saw lots of different options but figured the potential 867mbps was more than enough for my needs so I went with the Halo H32G AC 1200 system for 64€



To set up you need an android or iphone application and it could not be easier. This is truly the age of plug in play for wireless and I had it up and running with 3 nodes in 10 minutes.
With such ease there are also drawbacks such as being dependent on their cloud services longevity for configuration and use and lack of possibilities to really get under the hood and tweak things. This may be possible but for now I have not investigated but I am truly enjoying that whenever a new devices joins the network i get an alert on my phone.

Android App:

Experience and opinion:

I have only been using it for a few days, but so far it is really such an improvement over range extenders that require multiple SSIDs and you never seem to be connected to the right one requiring manual intervention. This publishes a single SSID that works for both 2.4 o 5 GHz (I disabled the 2.4 GHz due to such over saturation in apartment living) and your device just connects to it and then roams completely transparently as needed.

The easy setup is also really remarkable.

The downside is the dependency on a cloud service and the longevity of the same and the lack of tweakability. But at 64€ I think that is an acceptable tradeoff and at this point I just want it to work and not have any more squeaking from the youngest one about lack of WiFi in her room, which so far seems to be silenced!

Thanks for reading and feel free to give feedback or comments via email (