Summer Moment of Zen 2023

Today I celebrated my annual moment of summer Zen!

My first target this year was for Saturday August 5th as it was close to the first full moon of August but unfortunately on friday night I was adjusting some solar lights that I had setup in a lemon tree and fell off the ladder knocking the wind out of me and bruising my ribs something fierce. That and the night before I was trying to pair my new Pixel 6A with the GoPro before going to bed and was unable to get it to work. So given I was pretty sure I would need a spatula to get me out of bed on Saturday and I had no way to visualize what I was photographing while setting up, I decided to postpone till another moment.

And that moment was Thursday August 17th as it was close to a new moon and the lowering of the tide lined up pretty well for starting first thing in the morning until 12:30, leaving time for other activities to take full advantage of the few days off from work I have this year:

The location I selected was what is know as Playa de Los Bloques but technically it is not really a beach (at least from my point view) as it is part of the Eo River estuary. I like this spot as it is where we go for a quick afternoon dip in the afternoons when it coincides with high tides and provides spectacular views of Castrolpol:

And for this californian provides amazing tide differential that just blow my mind:

I started at 07:00 and wrapped it up at 12:18 for at total of:

And what can I say? It was 4 hours 47 minutes and 29 seconds of pure bliss! Just hanging out watching the day start, the birds waking up, the force of the tides, the sound of silence, and time to reflect and ponder!

Implementation details

  • Camera: GoPro HERO3+ Black Edition
  • Frequency: picture every 30 seconds
  • Number of pictures taken: 584
  • Photo Resolution: 12 MP Wide
  • List generation: ls *.JPG >list.txt
  • Video creation: mencoder -nosound -ovc lavc -lavcopts vcodec=mpeg4:aspect= 16/9:vbitrate=8000000 -vf scale=1920:1080 -o timelapse01.avi -mf type=jpeg:fps=24 mf://@list.txt

Thanks for reading and feel free to give feedback or comments via email (