Welcome back to 1994

Let’s take back the internet!

There was a a time when there was a potential for the internet to provide power to the people, and in the end, we could argue that has been achieved, but I would argue that the real power of the internet, the power of anyone to pontificate and publish to a world audience got lost somewhere along the way. This is me making a little line in the sand and trying to turn that tide. I suspect it will fall victim as most blogging initiatives do and be sparse, but let’s not quit before we even start!

So here on november 19th 2022, 28 years after the supposed starting of blogging[1] I am starting a Hexo blog. This will be the first post in Hexo, but in time I hope to go back and insert other previous posts that I have peppered over different platforms, consolidating things here. For now I am excited with all the challenges and things to figure out such as where to publish this (from home, or elsewhere), how to get random pictures on the home page, get RSS feeds working, and lots of other tweeking that will keep me busy for I imagine at least a little while.

Thanks for reading and feel free to give feedback or comments via email (andrew@jupiterstation.net).